Sorry I Gave Birth I Disappeared But Now I’m Back

Photographer Andi Galdi found herself pregnant and lost a sense of who she was in the world. Fortunately, she navigated her way back.

Andi Galdi and writer Charlotte Jansen are friends. They’re also late-night email correspondents and their own micro support network.

Amongst conversations on work, art, travel, politics and love; the challenges of motherhood are one of their main topics of conversation. Their relationship is a space where they can lay bare their feelings, anxieties, frustrations, and fears. Here, we publish excerpts of their emails to each other alongside photographs that will feature in an upcoming book of Andi’s photography work titled, Sorry I Gave Birth I Disappeared But Now I’m Back, published by Trolley Books.

The name of the project and the photographs within it bring to life the visceral experience of becoming a mother and losing yourself; a life on pause while you tend to another; a psychic, emotional and physical adjustment to this new way of being. Do you ever come back? Yes, but not as you were. A new you emerges and goes back out into the world, sometimes scarred, sometimes shaken, sometimes a little wiser.   

The images and the written exchanges between Andi and Charlotte give an insight into the lost and lonely feelings that can come with motherhood but they also express a deep love and compassion for all that mothers go through and the support that they offer one another as they find their way through together—apart.


You are at exactly the point you're supposed to be right now—you need to believe that.

I've been really overwhelmed, to be honest. It's like living with this tiny dictator that turns the whole mood upside down and has constant impossible demands and holds me hostage from doing anything else. At times it's so bad I feel I can't leave the house at all. 


It can all feel like we're swimming upstream sometimes. 


Motherhood can often feel like a big loss—your identity, career, time, selfhood—but we have to remember what we do gain and bring to the world when we become parents.

Your support has meant so much to me and has gotten me through some tough times when I've just felt alone and couldn't see a path through. 


It's a constant negotiation between their needs and yours. Between what you want to do and what you actually feel capable of.

Hahaha email answer at 01:30. Classic mother :)